vendredi 16 mars 2007

The Architect & The Arsonist

Ladies & gentlemen, dear readers,

The player is up and running again. I finally found time to add a title.
Have you ever heard about that awesome band called LUDDITE CLONE, that short-lived, ass-kicking, no-prisoner-taking, nj-based brilliant band? As far as I know they only released an Ep on Relapse (from which this track is taken - vinyl version available through Cyberdine) and a split record with a band I don't remember the name (ask Google brothers...!).

"Arthropod" is sharp, pedal-to-the-metal thrash influenced Hard Core kind of (don't forget to mention the notion of heavyness, it might help people to undestand what it's all about).

Well, just listen to this track and tell me what you think (any comment is welcome).

LUDDITE CLONE "The Arsonist & The Architect" - 2001 - Relapse RR6445-2