dimanche 27 janvier 2008

As if New Jersey had the richest compost for Stoner bands

Ed Mundell is one of my favorite "modern" guitar players. This guy has a very personal feel that I'm completely fond of.

Being MONSTER MAGNET's lead guitarist, he also found time, back in the beginning of the 90's, to give birth to ATOMIC BITCHWAX, his 70's infused fuzzed out Hard Rock project.
"Spit Blood" is the last ATOMIC BITCHWAX album Ed plays on, as the band was growing and touring, and this couldn't fit Ed's agenda.

"Spit Blood" opens with a cover song, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, and then moves to all new asskicking material.

Liquor Queen and Get Your Gear are tracks 2 and 3.

There's a black vinyl version and a supposedly limited clear red (or is it pink?) version. I thought you'd love to see how does the clear red one look like...


ATOMIC BITCHWAX "Spit Blood" - USA - 2002 - People Like You PRISON 997-1

4 commentaires:

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I love that your doing the Jersey Thing My Friend

Devil Dick a dit…

hmmmm, i dont have this one on vinyl.....

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